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Dairy Directions


The Dairy Directions program brings together TFC's feed specialists, nutritionists, and staff veterinarian to provide everything a producer may need to maintain a successful operation. Centered around the expertise of these Co-op professionals, Dairy Directions is an evolving concept that includes on-the-farm service, cutting-edge products, producer education, feedstuff evaluation materials, and more.


For further details contact the following Co-op Feed Specialists:

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Dairy Directions Headlines

Take care og the cows that take care of you(5/28/2010) As the cost of feeding dairy cows remains relatively high, we need to make certain to take care of the cows that take care of us!

Chromuim suppliments dry cow diets (5/28/2010) Feeding and managing the dry cow is critical for future milk production.

Balanced rations important for animal health, too (5/28/2010) The importance of feeding a balanced diet to dairy cows is greatly emphasized from a nutritional standpoint, yet little is said about how a balanced diet can affect the health of an animal.

Balancing Act (5/28/2010) Smart, attentive management practices help two Ross faily dairies survive through industry's difficulties.

Dairy Direct (5/28/2010) Orlinda father and son team Boddy and Steven Gammon have gone from shipping bulk milk to selling it by the jug

Cow Girls (5/28/2010) Some people doubted that Valerie and Ashley Shearin could run a dairy themselves. But a decade later, the milk is still flowing.

Best feet forward: Dairy Producers put hoof school lessons to use (12/1/2009) - If the star running back on the football team injures his foot, odds are he won't be as productive on the field.

Wet weather causes extra concerns about hoof health, dairy diets (12/1/2009) - Hoof health is an important consideration for the dairy cow.

Carefully consider carbohydrates in cows' diets (12/1/2009) - This year's corn silage, for the most part, has yielded producers with not only abundant quantity but also higher quality based on energy content. ...

Dry period is ideal for cow vaccinations (8/7/2009) - As fall approaches, many dairy producers will have several cows heading into the dry period.

Strategies for effectively managing fresh cows (8/7/2009) - Fresh cows are fragile cows. At a time when they are ramping up to hit peak milk production, they’re also at their greatest risk.

Colostrum replacers deliver critical nutrients - (8/7/2009) Calves represent the future of every dairy herd, and delivering proper nutrients during their first critical hours of life is vital to their survival.

Better on the other side (5/26/2009) - Positive changes could be on the horizon for dairy farmers as they struggle through the current economic crisis

More milk, please (5/26/2009) - Tennessee dairy farmers are using cutting-edge management and Co-op expertise to increase production

Calf nutrition is not 'one size fits all' (5/26/2009) - Why do we balance the diets of cows and heifers but never think about applying the same attention.

Cows can't milk without enough water (5/26/2009) - When discussing proper dairy cattle nutrition, the most common subjects are protein.

Milk rises to the top as Tennessee's official beverage (5/26/2009) - June Dairy Month is just the right time to salute those who make it all possible

Taking Dairy in a new Direction (5/27/2008) - Co-op program offers complete package of products, services, education

Back on their Feet (5/27/2008) - Recent training rogram teaches dairy producers the importance of hoof care for their cattle

A Good Deal for Dairy (5/27/2008) - Ag Enhancement and Tennessee Quality Milk Producer programs are improving operations across the state.

Feed Efficiency for Dairy Industry (5/27/2008) - Neighborly Advice column June 2008 Cooperator.

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