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  Allied Seed, L.L.C. CoBank Tennessee Council of Cooperatives Univerasl Cooperatives, Inc. National Council of Farmer Cooperatives Cooperative Research FarmsFFR Cooperative  

Interregionals & Affiliates


Not only does a farmer's involvement with his Co-op extend beyond the boundaries of his farm and home county, but it indeed reaches well outside Tennessee. TFC is associated with other farmer cooperatives in joint ventures to explore, develop, produce, and procure certain products, conduct research, and promote the cooperative way of doing business.

TFC's major interregional affiliates include:

  • Allied Seed, L.L.C.- Enhances TFC's ability to provide quality forages, legumes, and turf grasses to Tennessee farmers.  TFC is an equal partner with two other regional farm supply cooperatives in the ownership of Allied Seed, which has processing facilities in Nampa, Idaho; Worland, Wyo.; and Albany, Ore.  Allied grows, processes, and distributes turf grasses, forages, and legumes to its members and other companies worldwide.
  • FFR Cooperative- Manages and coordinates extensive genetic research in forage seed and testing in on-farm evaluations throughout major forage and crop production areas.  Through its efforts, FFR shortens the time required to bring new crop varieties through the laboratory to the farmers' fields.  Headquartered at Lafayette, Ind., FFR also has a forage research and testing plot at Franklin, KY FFR is one of the few private forage seed research companies in the U.S. and supplies many of the grasses and clover used by farmers across the nation. FFR also does extensive wheat screening and testing throughout all U.S. crop production areas and has produced such outstanding varieties as Croplan 8302 and others.
  • Cooperative Research Farms (CRF) - Conducts research on animal nutrition and practical feeding problems at member research facilities as well as through external contracts with various universities and private research facilities. Headquartered in Richmond, Va., CRF continues to be a world leader in feed research, with owners from North America and Europe. TFC has been a member of CRF since 1965.
  • CoBank - A cooperative banking institution that offers a broad range of flexible loan programs and specially tailored financial services to agricultural cooperatives, rural utility systems, and Farm Credit associations. CoBank, headquartered in Denver, Colo., also finances agricultural exports and provides international banking services for the benefit of U.S. farmer-owned co-ops and American agriculture.
  • National Council of Farmer Cooperatives (NCFC) - A nationwide association of cooperative businesses owned and controlled by farmers. NCFC is the voice of its members in legislative matters on the national level and serves as a clearinghouse in the collection and exchange of educational material.
  • Tennessee Council of Cooperatives (TCC) - Promotes and advances cooperatives in the state. The council's membership structure is grouped into five categories: dairy cooperatives, farm credit organizations, farm supply cooperatives, rural electric cooperatives, and others, including tobacco warehouses, artificial breeders' associations, rural telephone cooperatives, livestock associations, marketing organizations, and the Farm Bureau.
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