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Historic Timeline


Milestones are occasions for reflecting on the past and looking to the lessons learned to guide the future. In 2015, Tennessee Farmers Cooperative celebrated its 70th anniversary, a record of unparalleled service to the state's farmers and rural communities that proves the concept of cooperation is still timeless today.

When our cooperative was officially chartered in 1945, a whole new era in Tennessee agriculture began. TFC redefined the farm supply in this state by giving farmers cooperative control over a reliable and identifiable source of products they need.

Co-op has a proud history of growth, innovation, and progress toward our current positions as one of the strongest federated cooperative systems in the nation. Our enduring values of self-help and cooperation have remained the same even as the Co-op have evolved to meet the needs of generation after generation of farmers.


Click the following links to view the decades


Long after many other businesses have come and gone, Co-op remains in the community to serve as a dependable supply of quality products for farmers and homeowners. It's been that way since the beginning, and it will stay that way in the future. Co-op stores, services, and product mix will continue to adapt to the changing world around us, but the same founding principles of cooperation will stay intact.

Through the statewide Co-op system, individual farmers and their communities enjoy advantages such as greater purchasing power, an extensive distribution framework, and state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities. For 70 years, the Co-op system has helped farmers help themselves. That was - and still is - our cooperative charge, and that timeless belief continues to guide our actions and our attitudes. We're proud to reflect on the past, but we're looking toward tomorrow with confidence.

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