- FFR Cooperative joins forces with Limagrain Genetics and Land-O’Lakes Cooperative to form SOYGENETICS, LLC, a new soybean research company. As a result, Co-op customers in Tennessee can choose from broader-based soybean varieties that offer such desirable traits as improved yield standability and increased disease resistance.
- A pilot program to offer Co-op Crop Insurance begins. The program continues today, with TFC agents acting as underwriters for Rain & Hail Crop Insurance Company to assist producers with risk management by writing crop insurance policies to meet their needs.
- “Co-op Country” sale catalogs are introduced.
- CropServe, TFC’s agronomy certification program begins.
- Allied Seed, LLC, forms with TFC as a part-owner to enhance Co-op’s ability to provide forages and legumes to Tennessee farmers. TFC is an equal partner with two other regional farm supply cooperatives and n employee management group in the ownership of Allied Seed, which has processing facilities in Nampa, Idaho, and Tangent, Ore. Allied processes and distributes turfgrasses, forages, and legumes tit is members and other companies worldwide.
- The commemorative 4-H/FFA Case knife series debuts, created to recognize the Co-op’s long-standing support of 4-H and FFA in Tennessee and to provide a creative and meaningful way to supply these organizations with some additional funds. Profits from the sales of the knife are split equally and donated to the state 4-H and FFA organizations. By 2005, sales if these knives have enabled Co-op to donate more than $70,000 to these worthwhile organizations.
- TFC introduces the “Beef Advantage” program to help farmers produce and market preconditioned feeder cattle.
- Ag Equipment USA begins operations as a new department formed by combining TFC’s Material Handling Department with the farm equipment area of the Hardware Department. Ag Equipment ells farm implements and large spray and fertilizer equipment, offering domestic items as well as products imported from several countries. The group is involved in precision farming and sells products in 32 states. Formerly part of the Hardware Department’s operations, Ag Equipment became its own entity in fiscal year 2005.
- A new Farm Plan program is put into place. A subsidiary of John Deere Credit, this revolving charge card account system is now offered by most Co-ops in lieu of their accounts receivable.
- The Certified Pet Professional program is implemented. To earn certification, member Co-op employees attend in-depth training sessions on sun areas as pet nutrition and care, animal health needs, and customer service.
- TFC opens a tire distribution warehouse in LaVergne to improve order turnaround times and customer service.
- First Pinnacle awards are presented to recognize outstanding member Co-ops.
- Kenneth Hammontree becomes first Tennessee Farmers Cooperative 50-year employee.
- Pro-Pet program is relaunched with new products, packaging, marketing strategy, and formulas.
- Work is completed on feed mills at the Tenco complex and LaVergne. The most extensive facility renovation project ever undertaken by TFC has boosted efficiency in the production of quality products for Co-op members and customers.
- Tennessee FFA Association celebrates its 75th anniversary and Tennessee 4-H Foundation celebrates its 50th year.
- Biodiesel is introduced through several West Tennessee cooperatives in the spring. By 2005, 14 member Co-ops are selling the soy diesel blend.
- The implementation of automated bagged operations is completed at TFC’s LaVergne Feed Mill.
- An online ordering program fir member Co-ops is launched, and development continues on Co-op’s Personal Sales Assistant, an online electronic product catalog.
- Co-op begins a successful partnership with Carhartt, Inc., and becomes largest outlet of Carhartt apparel in Tennessee. More than 80 locations now offer Carhartt.
- First Tennessee Governor’s School for Agricultural Sciences is hosted at UT Martin.
- For the first time in the history of Co-op in Tennessee, county lines were erased as four financially strong Co-ops – Crockett, Hardeman, Fayette, Haywood, Madison Farmers Cooperatives – joined together to form Mid-South Farmers Cooperative.
- TFC celebrated its 60th anniversary, culminating in "Co-op Heritage Day" on the official charter date of Sept. 27. An outdoor ceremony at LaVergne was highlighted by a visit from Gov. Phi Bredesen, who proclaimed it "Co-op Day" in Tennessee. The event gathered the "who's who" of agriculture, including Tennessee Agriculture Commissioner Ken Givens and other leaders of the leaders of the Department of Agriculture, TFC, Farm Bureau, UT Extension, and the state legislature.
- The one-billionth acre of biotech crops was planted as Roundup Ready technology celebrates its 10th anniversary. In Tennessee today, more than 90 percent of all cotton and soybean acres are planted with genetically modified seed.
- The Animal Health Department completed its first year offering veterinary expertise to its members through Dr. Kevin Cox, who worked with farmers across the state and helped design animal health protocols for specific needs.
- The Hardware Department implemented the Best Quality Program, designed to inform customers which products were the best quality for their money.
- Farm Seed introduced one of the first Roundup Ready alfalfa varieties, FSG 425RR, in the fall of 2005. The variety was developed by FFR Cooperative and grown, marketed and distributed by Allied Seed LLC.
- Livestock producers in Tennessee can now conveniently register their premises for the National Animal Identification System just by visiting their local Co-ops. Effective Sept. 1, Co-ops across the state joined this voluntary program, which is being promoted by the Tennessee Department of Agriculture as a critical first step in setting up a system to trace and control animal diseases.
- CF Industries' rich history as a cooperative ended Aug. 11 with its initial offering (IPO) of stock. Net proceeds from the sales of the company's common stock went to CF's former member-owners, including TFC. CF will continue to the major source of fertilizer for Co-op customers.
- Merchant, a new point-of-sale operating system piloted last year, is installed at 40 percent of member Co-ops by December, and TFC is one-third completed in its new conversion, the remainder of stores is expected to be on the system by December 2006.
- In a bylaw revision approved at the 2005 annual meeting, TFC's director structure was changed from seven directors to three zones representing East, Middle, and West Tennessee to better represent Co-op membership and the state's agricultural diversity. The board will now include nine directors, three from each zone.
- TFC branched out into the retail world for the first time with Stockdale's: Americas Rural Outfitter, a unique store designed to serve the growing rural lifestyle market. The first store opened in Chattanooga in November 2006.
- The Co-op Knows Beef program was implemented in an ongoing effort to remind producers that they can find all the supplies and services they need at their local Co-ops. Estimates are that 40 percent of Co-op sales are to beef producers. This initiative crosses all TFC product department lines and demonstrates that no other farm supply organization in Tennessee offers such a complete line of products and services for beef producers.
- The Feed Department introduced a new line of cat food products called Action Ration Complete Cat with new formulations and packaging developed for today's cat owners.
- Co-op was spotlighted in live commercials for three Saturday mornings in the spring on Nashville's News Channel 5, which reaches 30 counties in its broadcasting area. These "Co-op Hometown Saturday" segments, produced in part with a grant from the state's "Ag Tag" program, featured helpful advice from Co-op experts on subjects such as equine, pet, lawn care, livestock, automotive, and forage production.
- TFC unconsolidated sales exceed the $500 million mark for the first time in the cooperative’s 62-year history. Combined with TFC’s subsidiaries - ADI, ADI Agronomy, Ft. Loudoun River Terminal, Risk Management, Co-op Vet Health, and Stockdale’s - consolidated sales were $584 million.
- The Feed and Animal Health Departments formally merged into the Animal Nutrition Division to better serve the needs of livestock and companion animal owners across the state. The field staff of feed and animal health specialist were divided in to two segments: a “pro-ag” group to work with full-time commercial farmer and the retail group focused on meeting the specific needs of member Co-ops.
- TFC’s Jackson Feed Mill set a record in manufactured feed production at 85,000 tons, up approximately 17 percent over its average production for the past 10 years.
- All three of TFC’s feed manufacturing facilities in Jackson, LaVergne, and Tenco were designated Safe Feed/Safe Food Certified Facilities by the American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) in 2007. This Designation shows that TFC has undergone a rigorous certification process that validates Co-op’s commitment to feed and food safety.
- The spotlight on biofuels continues to grow brighter in Tennessee, sparked in part by the state’s funding of alternative energy programs for both retailers and researchers. More than a dozen Co-ops across the state offer biodiesel, and TFC serves as part of Gov. Phil Bredesen’s alternative fuels group working to develop a strategy for renewable energy sources in Tennessee.
- TFC’s consolidated sales reach an unprecedented $712.8 million, up $128.7 million dollars over 2007.
- Co-op’s first-ever Farm Fest was held on the grounds at TFC’s LaVergne headquarters, offering farmers from across the state a chance to see the assets they own as Co-op members. The two-day event Aug. 13-14 featured facility tours, equipment demonstrations, educational sessions, and a trade show with more than 100 vendors.
- Co-op was named the “Official Feed of the Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration” and TFC became a premier sponsor of the prestigious event held each August in Shelbyville. This is the first time an “Official Feed” designation was awarded in the 70-year history of the Celebration.
- Livestock equipment sales increased nearly $3 million as a result of the Tennessee Agricultural Enhancement Program. TFC and its member Co-ops have taken an aggressive role in promoting the program to producers, distributing and assisting with completing applications, helping with Beef Quality Assurance and premises registration requirements, and offering advice and support in selecting equipment to purchase with the awarded funds.
- In the fall of 2007, new training program guidelines were implemented, giving TFC trainees a chance to learn all aspects of operations - from how to bag fertilizer to completing payroll. Under the new program, all trainees will spend their first eight to 10 days at TFC’s headquarters before going to a member Co-o- for their hands-on training.
- The completely redesigned Co-op Cattle Mineral line was introduced in fall 2008 with TFC’s “just right” nutrition concept, which provides appropriate mineral and vitamin supplementation that fit the requirements for cattle consuming forage from our region.
- The Tennessee Cooperator celebrated its 50th anniversary in May 2009. The publication has been the voice of Co-op since May 1959 and has published more than 525 issues in its 50-year history. In honor of the Cooperator’s importance to the state’s agriculture industry, the Tennessee House of Representatives also recognized the occasion with a special resolution adopted on May 28, 2009.
- TFC began a new approach to training, with duties for recruiting and hiring management trainees distributed among four regional managers instead of having a single director of training. Other aspects of education and training will be handled by the Member Services Department.
- Upgrades continued at TFC’s feed mills, including the replacement of the top of the bulk load-out bins at Jackson and the addition of an aspirator system at LaVergne and a screening system at Tenco to improve the visual appeal of non-medicated pelleted feeds.