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Derby Timothy

Dessie Teff

DH-3 Annual Ryegrass

Eco-Till™ Soilbuster™ Radish

Fria Annual Ryegrass

FSG 506 Orchardgrass

Laredo Bermudagrass

Select Tall Fescue

Small Package Forage Available

Seed image.

Derby Timothy

  • Early maturing variety
  • Excellent winter hardiness and yield potential
  • Selected for improved regrowth after cutting
  • Excellent companion to legumes in mixtures
Management Recommendations
Planting Rate (pure) 6 - 10#/A
Planting Rate (mix) 2 - 4#/A
Seeding Dates (Spring) 3/1 - 5/15
Seeding Dates (Summer) 8/1 - 9/15
Minimum Soil pH 5.5
Dessie Teff

Dessie Teff

  • New high-yielding, warm-season annual forage grass
  • Excellent palatability and forage quality
  • Ideal for horses and other livestock
  • Great for use as an emergency forage crop and for double-cropping
  • Good for interseeding thin alfalfa stands in final year of production
  • Excellent rotational crop when replacing alfalfa or perennial grass stands
  • Can be used as a green manure crop and for erosion control
  • Low input crop with very few disease or pest problems
  • Heat-tolerant and drought-tolerant


Management Recommendations
Planting Rate 8-10#/A
Seeding Dates May (after risk of frost) through late July
Planing Method Broadcast or drill into firm seedbed
Seeding Depth 1/8 to 1/4 inch
Soil test.
Teff needs adequate Phosphorous, Potassium and Sulfur.
Apply 50 pounds Nitrogen per acre at planting.
Small amounts of N may be needed after each cutting, however too much causes lodging.
First harvest should be at pre-boot to early boot stage, approximately 45 to 50 days after planting.
Harvest regrowth in 40 to 45 days depending on location and environmental conditions.
Cut to a height of 3 to 4 inches.
Seed image.

DH-3 Annual Ryegrass

  • Highly productive for hay, green chop or pasture
  • Excellent palantability
  • Spreads rapidly
  • Extremely heat tolerant
  • Cold tolerant
  • Drought tolerant


Management Recommendations
Planting Rate (pure) 12-15#/A
Planting Date Spring - Summer
Minimum Soil pH 5.5

Eco-Till™ Soilbuster™ Radish

  • Superior, deep penetrating taproot
  • Reduces soil compaction
  • Builds organic matter
  • Improves nutrient recycling
  • Excellent weed suppression
  • Enhances soil tilth

Eco-Till™ Soilbuster™ Radish is a new Daikon type forage radish specifically developed for fall/winter cover crop applications. These radishes offer impressive benefits to the soil and the environment including the reduction of soil compaction, improved nutrient recycling, increased organic matter, enhancement of soil tilth and suppression of weeds to name a few.

A superior, deep penetrating taproot is one characteristic that separates Eco-Till™ Soilbuster™ radishes from the competition. The thin, lower portion of the taproot can grow to a depth of six feet or more while the thick upper portion of the taproot can grow to a length of 24 inches. This taproot creates vertical holes in the soil profile that breaks up soil compaction and improves soil tilth. This process, known as "bio-drilling", improves water infiltration, aeration and fertilizer efficiency for succeeding crops. Equally important is the ability of these radishes to take up nutrients from the soil profile to be stored in the tissues near the soil surface and make them readily available for use by the following crop.

Management Recommendations
Planting Rate Conventional or No-Till Drill: 8-10 lbs/Acre. Broadcast: 12-15 lbs/Acre (broadcast seed needs a light disking or rolling with a corrugated roller to ensure proper seed to soil contact).
Planting Date North of Interstate 80 - Late July to August 15. Between Interstate 40 & Interstate 80 - Late July to September 15.
Seeding Depth 1/4 - 1/2 inch (can be planted up to 1" if soil conditions are dry)
Germination 3-7 days (with proper soil temperatures and moisture)
Fertility Apply as directed by soil test. Nitrogen deficiency will limit overall growth, the ability to compete with weeds and root penetration through compacted soils.
Soil pH 6.5 - 7.0 (for optimum performance)

Fria Annual Ryegrass

  • Superior cold tolerance
  • High forage yield
  • Excellent for overseeding
  • Ideal cover crop
  • Great disease resistance
  • Excellent palatability

Fria annual ryegrass not only delivers outstanding yields in the south and north, but has exceptional cold tolerance that helps in fall establishment and winter survival throughout the transition zone and further north. Developed by Dr. Gordon Prine at the University of Florida for cold tolerance, improved crown rust resistance and resistance to gray and helminthosporium leaf spot; Fria is a late maturing diploid variety.

For forage production, Fria is typically seeded into dormant warm season grass pastures or after wheat and corn silage harvest to provide grazing, hay, haylage or greenchop through the winter and spring. Planting dates are from August to November depending on the region. Recommended seeding rates are 20-25 pounds per acre drilled early (August-early September), 25-30 pounds per acre drilled later (late September- November) or 25-35 pounds per acre broadcast. Fria provides consistent high quality forage production and excellent grazing under proper management. For hay or haylage, cut when the plant is between the boot and early head stage for optimum yield and quality. For grazing and green chop, start when Fria is 8 to 10 inches tall. Do not graze or greenchop lower than 3 inches.

As a cover crop, Fria can break up natural and manmade hardpans with its deep root penetration when planted in a continuous no-till rotation. Up to 30-90 pounds of nitrogen per acre can be provided for the following crop by recycling the nitrogen in the soil under no-till farming management as long as it is not harvested or grazed. The ability to capture and keep nitrogen and phosphorus in the soil profile after manure applications, preventing nutrient runoff is another big plus. Fria can also greatly reduce soil erosion, especially when planted after corn. Other benefits include reducing soybean cyst nematode populations and potential increased corn and soybean yields due to improved soil characteristics.

Annual Ryegrass Survival Trial
Lexington, KY
2005 - 2006 Data
Variety Survival Rating Total
Marshall 4.2 abc 5231 ab
Fria 4.7 a 5201 ab
Thunder 4.2 abc 5099 abc
FL x2002 (LA3) LRCT 4.2 abc 5048 abc
Ed 3.2 cd 4929 abc
Attain 3.0 d 4767 abc
Stockaid 3.5 bcd 4588 abc
Jumbo 2.7 d 4154 c
T-Rex 3.0 d 4149 c
Gulf 2.7 d 4069 d
Big Daddy 2.5 d 4018 d
Annual Ryegrass Survival Trial
University of Nebraska| Scottsbluff, NE
2005 - 2006 Data
Variety Surviving Stand %
Fria 99
Marshall 99
Surrey II 98
Ed 95
Winterhawk 95
Gulf 51
Jumbo 41

FSG 506 Orchardgrass

  • Early-Medium Maturity
  • Excellent foliar disease resistance
  • Great forage yield potential
  • Improved stand persistence
  • Selected for seedling vigor
  • Quick recovery
  • Excellent Color

FSG 506OG is an early-medium maturing orchard grass that is an excellent choice for hay, silage and pasture. This variety was selected for its improved seedling vigor, high yield potential and excellent disease resistance. FSG 506OG is ideal for planting as a straight product or in mixes with other grasses and legumes.

Management Suggestions

Fertilizer (pure stand) - Nitrogen should be applied in split applications during early Spring & Fall and after the 1st cutting. Adequate phosphorus and potassium are also necessary for top forage production.

Cutting Schedule

First cutting in spring should be done before head emergence (Boot Stage). Later cuttings can be made at 4-6 week intervals depending on conditions. Leave a 4-5 inch stubble for quick recovery and longer stand life.


Rotational grazing is preferred for best production, persistence and quality. Fields should be grazed heavily and frequently (every 10-12 days) during the rapid spring growth period but overgrazing should be avoided. Leave a 4-5 inch stubble for quick recovery and longer stand life.

FFR Performance Data - Kentucky and Virginia
Entry %Mean Foliar Disease*
FSG 506OG 106 3.4
Benchmark Plus 101 6.1
Persist 98 5.5
Prairie 101 6.8
*Rating: 1=little or no disease, 9=90%+ infection; mean of 6 field ratings...
Seed image.

Laredo Bermudagrass

  • Highly productive for hay, green chop or pasture
  • Excellent palantability
  • Spreads rapidly
  • Extremely heat tolerant
  • Cold tolerant
  • Drought tolerant


Management Recommendations
Planting Rate (pure) 12-15#/A
Planting Date Spring - Summer
Minimum Soil pH 5.5
Seed image.

Select Tall Fescue

  • Low endophyte fescue
  • Wide area of adaptation
  • High forage yields
  • Excellent for winter stockpiling
  • Excellent hay and pasture variety



Management Recommendations
Planting Rate (pure) 15 - 20#/A
Planting Rate (mix) 8 - 10#/A
Seeding Dates (Spring) 3/1 - 5/15
Seeding Dates (Summer) 8/1 - 9/15
Minimum Soil pH 5.5
Stockpiling Capabilities Excellent


Small Pack Forage Available
Evermore Alfalfa 3 pound packet
FSG 401RC 3 pound packet
Will Ladino Clover 3 pound packet
Trefoil 3 pound packet
Weeping Lovegrass 3 pound packet
Garden Blanket 3 pound packet
White Clover 3 pound packet
White Blossom Clover 3 pound packet
Yellow Blossom Clover 3 pound packet
Chicory 3 pound packet




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