Rain-Flo Equipment
Model #2550 Series II Raised Bed Plastic Mulch Layer
60” row centers, 60 hp FWD minimum.
Adjustable from 3 ft. or 4 ft. wide plastic.
Adjustable bed height from 3” to 7” high bed.
Adjustable brake tension on plastic roll carriers.
Bed press has adjustable side press plates.
With operator seat
Adjustable row marker.
Replaceable, reversible plow shares blades.
UHMW (replaceable) poly lined bed press.
Spring loaded shovels on side, help loosen soil for cover disk.
Automatic self steering Ro-trak for hill sides
Single or double drip applicator
Crowned bed press for level fields
Center fillers, to help fill center of bed
Category II, 3-point hitch
400 lb. Stainless ground driven dry fertilizer hopper.
Fumigation tank mounts with gas knives.