Banana Boat Delight

Submitted By: Bob Worrell


  • 1 medium or large banana
  • 4 or 5 chocolate chips
  • 4 or 5 miniature marshmallows


Split banana lengthwise without cutting all the way through, starting 1/2 inch from the end and stopping 1/2 inch from the other end. Spread open split banana, being careful not to tear ends. Fill split banana with chocolate chips and marshmallows. Wrap in aluminum foil, sealing tightly. Bake in oven at 350°, on a grill, or over an open campfire for 10 minutes.

Yield: One serving.

Suggestion: When wrapping the bananas, squeeze foil ends upward to indicate the top of banana so you’ll know which end to open.

Note: This is great for slumber parties, Boy Scout or Girl Scout campouts, or just for a different, fun dessert!