Daddy Burgers

Submitted By: James T. Hardin


  • 2½ to 3 pounds ground beef or venison
  • 1 large red potato, ground
  • 1 large carrot, ground
  • 1 large onion, ground
  • 1 large egg, stirred
  • Salt and pepper to taste


Mix all ingredients and mold into six to eight 1-inch patties. Heat griddle and brown on high; flip burgers and turn heat to medium-low. Cover and cook 12 to 15 minutes or until done. Place on large buns and add your favorite fixings.
The cook says: Many Sundays, my two sisters, Mother, and I would return home to what became known as “Daddy Burgers.” So for Father’s Day and his 90th birthday, this is for my daddy, Frank Hardin.